Practice: grammar + ear training

Here are some websites where you can practise your English. You can choose your level, what you want to study, and do some related exercises.

Voici des sites où vous pouvez vous entraîner. Vous pouvez choisir votre niveau, ce que vous voulez étudier et faire les exercices correspondants.

  1. Tips to revise for the exam
  2. Grammar practice
    1. All levels
    2. Prepa students
  3. Ear training
    1. Phonetics + basic ear training
    2. News podcasts
    3. Dictations

Tips to revise for the exam

A Genially by Cloé Bergeron Groulx:

>>> A powerpoint template to create revision flashcards (Slides Mania)

Grammar practice

All levels

Grammar memo (Ecricome)

Thematic vocabulary (Ecricome)

Anglais Facile


Road to grammar

Perfect English Grammar

Harrap Shorter QCM

English à la carte“: Practise what you need to practise with this website created by the Université de Franche Comté

L’anglais à l’Université Rennes 1

USA Learns

L’Etudiant (33 cours pour reposer les bases avec des exercices corrigés associés)

Practise with Cambridge A1–> C2 (you can choose the type of exercise you want to use).

The study zone of the University of Victoria (there is a recap about the rule and several exercises that get increasingly difficult)

Writing tips provided by the Canadian government

Prepa students

ECRICOME quizzes

ECRICOME test subject

Test on Studyrama Grandes Ecoles: Test

Ear training

> Pronunciation rules in English, a recap (ENS Lyon) <

Phonetics + basic ear training

Practise pronouncing some usual words with Speech Ace and with dialogues with ELSA and English Central.

Train your ear with your favourite songs.

Exercises with minimal pairs (short words with close vowel sounds): 1, 2

News podcasts

One-Minute World News (BBC)

CNN10 (American English)

60-second science (American English)

Short sentences to work on the link between spelling and pronunciation and to improve your listening skills (Spell Quiz)


You can try your hand at the European Commission’s multilingual dictations (and activate the subtitles to have an imperfect but overall satisfactory correction) : 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (A2, B2)

Here are basic dictations: the preterit, comparative and superlative forms, numbers

Short dictations to practise taking notes and hone your comprehension skills (Macmillan, Daily dictation)